Saturday, July 14, 2007

A conversation on Abortion

There are many pro-life videos on YouTube I was viewing them in an attempt to update some of my knowledge. I checked it again for this post. Now it seems someone has taken an interest in what I had to say and said something rather insufferable... here is the full conversation between me and a guy/gal named Freeplay.

WatersMoon110 (10 months ago)
Try using you know, facts next time.

And why the Hell are all of your pictures of born babies white, huh?

fartohard (me) (9 months ago)
What, you didn't read any of the facts listed in the movie? Why do people have to bring race into things? Unless they are racist.

FreePlay (1 week ago)
Because the video only showed white children, implying that minority children aren't as important to protect ;)

fartohard (me)(6 hours ago)

Abortion Is Racist more than twice as many blacks have died from abortion than from heart disease, cancer, accidents, violent crimes and AIDS combined; Blacks make up about 12 percent of the population but account for 32 percent of abortions; and About 1,450 black infants are aborted every day in this country. Jessie Jackson said in 1977. "Abortion is black genocide what happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby

fartohard (me)(6 hours ago)
Links for above 3w.blackgenocide-dot-org

FreePlay (1 week ago)
And which gamete contains the soul, the sperm or the egg? Might we as well say masturbation is murder, since every sperm could have fertilized an egg and created a baby? How about condoms? Are condoms murder? Spermicidal jelly kills sperm!

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
FreePlay; The child's life begins at conception when the person first begins to grow, this is undeniable. Masturbation is not murder but it is a sin, for it does two things, feeds the potential to develop a sexual addition and it builds up unrealistic expectations thru fantasy. Some people are so full of hate and intolerance. I pray for people like you everyday.

FreePlay (1 week ago)
"Masturbation is not murder but it is a sin, for it does two things, feeds the potential to develop a sexual addition and it builds up unrealistic expectations thru fantasy."
Excuse me, but are you somehow implying that procreation isn't something you should enjoy? And you want to talk about unrealistic expectations... think of all the Christian teens who think that sex will be AMAZING for them when they finally have it for the first time... at age 25. That's a total f*#king disappointment.

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
Excuse me, but are you somehow implying that procreation isn't something you should enjoy? What? How did you twist my words to get this question? Sex is not to be all of life buddy. Sex without love is always a disappointment. And waiting for love is always better then not waiting, even though it is very hard and many will not make it, shouldn't every child know they have the option to wait? I think that if more children were told they can say no they would.

FreePlay (1 week ago)
You claimed that sex isn't something to become "addicted" to. And masturbation can't lead to sexual addiction because it's NOT SEX. But you seemed to be implying that developing a desire to have sex for pleasure is a bad thing."Sex without love is always a disappointment." Are you kidding? It's awesome. Sex without any messy commitments is very satisfying. And you obviously have too high an opinion of children's ability to make important decisions about their lives.

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
All addictions are bad because they become controlling behaviors that overrule rationality. And how in any way do you get the ideal that masturbation is not sex. That shows a lack of rationality. Commitment in a sexual relationship is the foundation of civilization.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
"Commitment in a sexual relationship is the foundation of civilization." No, it's not. Monogamistic love-based marriage are a recently NEW development. The most common form of marriage in the world TODAY is POLYGAMY. Sexuality has nothing to do with the foundation of civiliazation. Do your research.

FreePlay (1 week ago)
And shouldn't masturbation just as well be murder? After all, aren't all sins considered equal in the eyes of God?

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)

Then more on a different subject...

FreePlay (1 week ago)
Except that in most cases that young girls have abortions, the child would *not* have a chance at a good life

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
Based on what FreePlay?
I want to tell you I know lots of people who have made good lives from hard situations. Every life has potential. What you refuse to see is that every child is alive.

FreePlay (1 week ago)
"What you refuse to see is that every child is alive."
And what you refuse to see is that merely being alive isn't enough, when you're unwanted, abused, and despised.

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
I see you have a low opinion of women. To think that all of the 40,000,000 children kill by abortion were saved from this abuse you are certain these unloving woman were bound to force them to suffer thru. Again, it is possible to rise above your circumstance and that is especially true here in America.

FreePlay (1 week ago)
I don't have a low opinion of women. I have a high regard for the truth. Children who are born to parents who didn't want them or weren't ready to have kids yet are more likely to be abused.
And no, simply not having sex isn't always an option. In some marriages (like traditional Christian ones for example) sex and procreation are considered duties. Women are expected to become mothers whether they want to or not.

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
"The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order..."
Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.
I see you've done your reading...

FreePlay (1 week ago)
Sure, it's possible to rise above your circumstances, but don't be silly. Most people don't. This is why we have ghettos and trailer parks that grow by the year.

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
"The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind."
Margaret Sanger,
What did you do, go to a Planned Parenthood propaganda class?

FreePlay (6 days ago)
Guess what, kiddo? In that time period, eugenics was considered to be a scientific necessity for the good of the human race. It was upheld by politicians, scientists, celebrtities, and charitable organizations in the same way GLOBAL WARMING is today. if you didn't support eugenics, people blasted you for being anti-progressive, anti-science, and anti-American.

Fartohard (me)(6 days ago)
So then you did go to your propaganda classes. You seem to have learned well.
Just so you know opponents of eugenics in the 20s were almost all faith based,
and support was not as far spread has you have been lead to believe. I'm glad
you mentioned global warming, funny how history repeats.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
"Just so you know opponents of eugenics in the 20s were almost all faith based"
Wrong.eugenicsarchive dot org slash html slash eugenics slash essay6text dot html
Eugenic ideology was deeply embedded in American popular culture during the
1920s and 1930s. ... In church on Sunday, they might listen to a sermon selected
for an award by the American Eugenics Society -- learning that human improvement
required marriages of society's "best" with the "best." So much for THAT argument.

fartohard (me)(2 days ago)
3w-dot-orthodoxytoday-dot-org-slash-articles2-slash- RayEugenics-dot-shtml
"The few real critics of eugenics in the early 20th century were mainly conservatives and Christians like G.K. Chesterton who saw eugenic planning as just another arm of the wider campaign to impose a "scientific" socialist planning. In fact Chesterton subtitled his anti-eugenics tract "Eugenics and Other Evils" as: "An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State."

At this point the conversation switches more to talk of God...

loggerbuck (6 days ago)
Freeplay, My daughter had a baby at 17. The dad wanted an did his
parents. My daughter graduated before 23 as a sp. ed teacher. This year my
granddaughter Shared valedictorian at graduation, sings, acts, dances, great
athlete, great artist, pretty, and acknowledged as a champion to those less
fortunate in her school.

loggerbuck (6 days ago)
Freeplay, Oh...and that boyfriend? They did not live together, but 3 years later
he became a born again Christian, married my daughter, and is a great great
father. And my granddaughter knows!!! Does anybody here think there is not a
GOD? I've a beautiful granddaughter who PROVES there IS a GOD!

carriechoicer (6 days ago)
How does that prove there IS a GOD?

Fartohard (me)(6 days ago)
Only a person with a closed mind does not see Gods hand in changed lives.

armourup (6 days ago)
carrie, Tell me some great miracle in your family or friends that Atheism has
brought. Tell me about the impossibly changed lives Atheism has brought to those
you love.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
There is nothing IMPOSSIBLE about a BABY'S BIRTH. It requires no supernatural
influence. You're being ridiculous.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
And you obviously don't understand atheism. You see, atheists conduct their lives with the understanding that just because something unexpected happens, that doesn't make it a miracle. Just because something amazing happens, that doesn't make it a miracle. If it happened, it's natural, and if it's natural, it sure as hell ain't a miracle.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
Beautiful children don't prove there's a God. Don't be silly.

Fartohard (me)(6 days ago)
I said nothing about beautiful children I said changed lives is evidence that there is a God...

FreePlay (6 days ago)
Changed lives is evidence of nothing. The World Trade Center attacks changed lives.

fartohard (me)(6 days ago)

You have such a poor outlook on life. Every post is about the negative no outlook toward the positive at all.

FreePlay (4 days ago)
Still waiting for your answer about in-vitro fertilization.

FreePlay (4 days ago)
Still waiting for your answer about in-vitro fertilization.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
Great. Good for you. Your DAUGHTER was the one that DIDN'T want the abortion, and that's what made the difference. She was READY for the child, obviously. Not everyone is.

FreePlay (1 week ago)
The fact is that life is not as simple as anti-abortion activists seem to think it is. They see in black and white, when life is actually filled with shades of gray. I do not promote abortion. I hate the idea of abortion. But I hate it even more when people try to infuse my legally-secularized government with religious ideals.

fartohard (me)(1 week ago)
Your "legally-secularized government" is based on religious ideals. Our founders knew that without faith the rights we hold so dear would not be. It is for that reason that "endowed by our creator" is used in relation to our rights. Most of our laws are based on the time honored traditions of religious faith. Where these traditions had been ignored in the past you have Mao, Stalin and Hitler. Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood was a proponent of forced eugenics and segregation.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
'Your "legally-secularized government" is based on religious ideals.'
No, it's based on the confident that we hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT - obvious *WITHOUT* need of religion to tell us they're true.

Fartohard (me)(6 days ago)
And what was self-evident? That we are ENDOWED BY "OUR CREATOR" with the right of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that is a religious ideal... our history our laws and our way of life are based on this ideal of "our Creator" being the source of our right not the government.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
And yet they saw fit to write in a LEGAL SEPARATION of any religious group from the state. How odd!

fartohard (me)(6 days ago)
They also wrote in the very same 1st amendment a prohibition against restricting religious groups by the state. The intention there was to protect religion from the state not the other way around.

FreePlay (5 days ago)
It was to do BOTH. The last time we had state-endorsed religion in America, people were burned at the stake.


fartohard (9 minutes ago)
The last time we removed "state-endorsed religion" was from our schools... You can see how badly that's turned out...


fartohard (9 minutes ago)
Schools now believe they have the STATE GRANTED RIGHT To take a 14year old girl to have a medical procedure that DOES have very serious risk and not even advise the parents to watch for any symptoms. You say I have too high of a regard that children will make the right decisions, Do you think that a 14 year old girl who was too scared to tell her mother she might be pregnant will tell about the bleeding her state-paid secret abortion has caused?

armourup (6 days ago)
Nothing is as abusive as dismemberment before you had ANY chance. See my daughter's story. Your COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is showing.

FreePlay (6 days ago)
Let me ask you a question. Do you support the war in Iraq? The death penalty? In-vitro fertilization?

fartohard (me)(6 days ago)
Can you say murder of 40,000,000 children is a right but defending your nation against killers and terrorist is wrong?

FreePlay (5 days ago)
Yes. I can.The Bible says "Thou shalt not kill," not "thou shalt only kill if it's convenient for you." I can't reconcile a belief that life is sacred with a belief that, if someone becomes an inconvenience, we should be able to kill them. And I notice you said nothing about in-vitro fertilization, so I'll ask you again: Do you support it?

fartohard (me)(4 days ago)
The proper translation is "thou shalt not murder" self defense is not murder so our war is just, I personally do not agree with the death penalty but only because of the chance of getting it wrong... If there is no doubt at all then yes, it's OK, But if you're wrong... So life without parole is a harsher punishment anyway.

FreePlay (4 days ago)
"The proper translation is "thou shalt not murder" Funny, I've never heard ANYONE make this excuse. "If there is no doubt at all then yes, it's OK" Psalm 94:1"O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth,shew thyself." Vengeance belongs to God, not to man. The death penalty is anti-God.

FreePlay (4 days ago)
*STILL* waiting for your answer about in-vitro fertilization.

FreePlay (4 days ago)
Seriously, though, I've never heard *ANYONE* claim that it's supposed to be translated "thou shalt not murder." That's just shoving in a wedge to give you an excuse to kill. And whatever happened to "if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also"? Didn't JESUS say that? Do you really think revenge is justified?

fartohard (me)(3 days ago)
Talk to someone who is Jewish, that is how they read it. Funny how you defend atheism AND quote the bible. And If someone strikes me I'll turn my cheek, and if someone is on trial in a death penalty case I'll ask not to serve. But I do not think it's wrong for the state to mete out the justice called for by law, and I have served in the Navy. I never had to fire any weapon in anger but I would do my duty if called. And at no time did I feel I was out of step with God's will.

FreePlay (3 days ago)
"Talk to someone who is Jewish, that is how they read it." I just did. They laughed at your interpretation."I do not think it's wrong for the state to mete out the justice called for by law" "If someone strikes me I'll turn my cheek" Hmm. Nice contradiction. If you think you can kill a human being without going against God's will, you're an odd duck. So... how about that in-vitro question you keep avoiding?

fartohard (me)(2 days ago)
"I do not think it's wrong for the state to mete out the justice called for by law" "If someone strikes me I'll turn my cheek" No, because one is my personal reaction and the other is the state fulfilling their obligation.

FreePlay (1 day ago)
The state has no obligation to take human life.

fartohard (me)(2 days ago)
So... how about that in-vitro question you keep avoiding? Tough one...

FreePlay (1 day ago)
That essay is complete and utter hogwash. It's nothing more than a desperate attempt to excuse bloodthirst.

fartohard (me)(1 day ago)
Well if you don't like that one, just do a web search on "thou shalt not murder"...

FreePlay (1 day ago)
Twisting the words to your liking is just a sign that you're trying to justify an anti-Biblical viewpoint. If you start nitpicking the subtleties of Biblical translation over this, you're really reaching.

fartohard (me)(1 day ago)
Ok, if you want to say trying to place a historical context is nitpicking, then it is clear your mind is too closed for reason. Good Bye.

FreePlay (15 hours ago)
No. It's not about "context." It's about nitpicking the meaning of a word so that you can fit SOME killing in because it's CONVENIENT for you. It's about the hypocrisy of the so-called pro-life movement. It's only pro-SOME-life.

FreePlay (1 day ago)
And how is it a tough one? You had no problem justifying the killing of tens of thousands of people in war. You say abortion is murder. I say that ANY KILLING is murder.

fartohard (me)(1 day ago)
From the little I know on this subject... (and why I did not answer)... It seems to be a great tool for couples who have no other option to have their own children. In-vitro fertilization from what I know does not kill the embryos that are not used, they are stored, and this is the tough part because in ever since the embryos are only waiting to be destroyed, so I like the ideal that it helps people. I am concerned about the ethics for the unused. Tough one...

FreePlay (1 day ago)
"I am concerned about the ethics for the unused." Then how can you support it at all, if it's guaranteed that some will be destroyed? After all, as you said, life begins at conception, and every single one of those embryos has been concealed. What happens to the souls of the frozen garbage babies?

fartohard (me)(1 day ago)
Look at the one talking in black and white

fartohard (me)(14 hours ago)
Where in the above statement do I claim to support it?

FreePlay (3 days ago)
"Funny how you defend atheism AND quote the bible."
Funny how you defend Christianity AND defy the Bible.

fartohard (me)(2 days ago)
"Funny how you defend Christianity AND defy the Bible."
I defy your understanding of the bible, not mine, and I'm coming from a standpoint of belief where you have only used the bible in an attempt to show contradictions where there are none, So I think I'm safe...

So there it is. The way youtube displays their comments can make it hard to follow a conversation. I tried to improve that, those are the only changes I've made other than removing the html that pasted over and replaced it with my own.

Update: While looking to see that I realy did keep everything in context I've addded 2 new post. they are Marked with "new"

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