Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday Snapshot: Seattle City Light

Seattle City Light
Originally uploaded by George Bentley

A while back they passed a law forbidding the posting flyers on city power poles. All that’s left are the staples, however many people still refuse to follow this law.

And yes I know it’s Monday.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Under Siege in Gaza

This is a slideshow of photos from within Gaza showing Palestinians shopping as they get ready for the holy month of Ramadamadan.

As you can see with the blockade still in effect they have no food no water no jobs and no electricity…

Ht: Israel Matzav

No to Obamacare

Even in Seattle Hundreds Will come out to protest Obamacare, The Government takeover of the last free choice health system in the world.

The people who understand freedom are the ones who are fighting this

Protest Obama Care 021 Protest Obama Care 005 Protest Obama Care 020

Free people know the dangers inherent in handing your life to a bureaucrat.

 Protest Obama Care 025 Protest Obama Care 031 Protest Obama Care 047

Protest Obama Care 120 Protest Obama Care 076 Protest Obama Care 113

The left fought so hard to block every effort to expand government power in defense of America from a terrorist threat but want to do this before they even finish writing the bill

Protest Obama Care 061 Protest Obama Care 012 Protest Obama Care 056

To counter our message they say we’re a mob we are Astroturf… Could it be there is some truth to that?

  Protest Obama Care 111Protest Obama Care 028 Protest Obama Care 227

We are angry

Protest Obama Care 030 Protest Obama Care 058Protest Obama Care 070

We’ve seen what happens in the rush to pass anything…

Protest Obama Care 034  Protest Obama Care 082 Protest Obama Care 093

And that Hope and Change thing just isn’t working out so well…

Protest Obama Care 037 Protest Obama Care 038 Protest Obama Care 071

Someone will pay a price for this

Protest Obama Care 044 Protest Obama Care 182Protest Obama Care 088 

And the theme seems to be “What have they done to show they can do this?”

Protest Obama Care 231 Protest Obama Care 233 Protest Obama Care 255

The media was there but I didn’t get to see what made it on air

Protest Obama Care 045 Protest Obama Care 169 Protest Obama Care 269

I could go on but I’ll just put up a few more of my favorites and send you to Flickr for the rest.

Protest Obama Care 042Protest Obama Care 064Protest Obama Care 082

Protest Obama Care 086Protest Obama Care 094Protest Obama Care 100

Protest Obama Care 108Protest Obama Care 198 Protest Obama Care 128      Protest Obama Care 177 Protest Obama Care 234 Protest Obama Care 239 Protest Obama Care 241Protest Obama Care 258 Protest Obama Care 278