Thursday, January 17, 2008

Let me jump

Suing the Empire State

He was there to file a $30 million lawsuit against the Empire State Building Company, accusing the building’s agents of defaming his character, unlawfully imprisoning him on the observation deck and causing him emotional distress and lost income.

empire-state-building-address So why the suit? Because after he climb over the railing to base jump, security held onto him until police came and arrested him. I have to ask, can you sue someone for stopping you from doing something it is against the law to do? I guess the answer is yes, but can you win? If he does win it will be the end of reason.

Here is the story of when he first tried to jump.

Security officers at the building had received a tip that Mr. Corliss, a noted daredevil, would attempt such a jump, but he reached the 86th-floor observatory unnoticed because of his disguise, which also concealed his parachute, the police said. About 3:40 p.m., Mr. Corliss scaled the protective fence when a police officer and security guard grabbed him and handcuffed him to the railing, the police said. The police said Mr. Corliss had previously attempted such jumps.

Watch the video.


photo source.

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