By Beth Hart
Beth is one of those singers I found on one of my thrift shop music hunts. I Loved her CD “Screaming for my Supper”, so I bought “Leave the Light On” and fell in love with it too.Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Introducing Art Coday
Dr. Art Coday is running for the republican nomination for Senate to challenge Senator Patty Murray in November.
I brought along my trusty Camera
I Asked Art to take a minute to introduce himself to you, My readers (Hi Mom)
Sunday Music: Poison And Wine
The Civil Wars are Joy Williams and John Paul White.
And if you like them enough to buy one of their CDs you don’t have to, they are offering a free live CD download! (follow link above) I’ve had it for almost a year, and I never tire of it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Shoreline Caucus Candidate Forum
Shoreline Caucus held a Candidate’s forum with Matthew Burke and James Watkins. I met Mr. Watkins in march, I said then I may even vote for him, after tonight, I’m dropping the “may even”. My first ever “official endorsement” as a blogger.
This was the agenda…
Best part! Refreshments first and last!
A few pictures
Here is a brief introduction to our two candidates
and here are the first 3 questions, its about 8 minutes long
Yea Flickr!!!
I have more but it’s late so check back for more or visit my YouTube page.
Update: I’m done with the videos, I put them in a set, I hope it makes it easier for you, 8 videos averaging about 8 minutes each…
Note: Because of limitations of my camera (memory cards) I was interrupted in the recording of three questions. The first, on health care, I was unable to use, The second, on immigration, I was able to use but it is incomplete, (I think the context is intact) and the third was one of the questions from the audience, I had to leave out the last and best question, on lobbyist and Unions.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday Music: Wires and Waves
Rilo Kiley, the way they were ….
Update: I’ve noticed other Rilo Kiley videos on other sites have been disabled, I hope we don’t have that here.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Best sex change ever
OK I know it’s just a typo but reading the caption after looking at this photo I had to do a double take.
Amanda Seyfried poses as he arrives for the world premiere of "Mamma Mia" at Leicester Square in London June 30, 2008. (REUTERS)
Or do they know something I do not?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Nice Shoes
Yes this is an ad for shoes
I guess you have to get peoples attention first….
HT: Theo, where I find all the sexy stuff!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Put your e-Pants on
I heard this on the radio earlier but could not find any links to it until now. Just think how the press who have run with this if Bush has said it.
Well you see it was his new sponsor, Obama was trying to sell a new product. What he meant to say was to put down you i-Pad and blackberry and put you “e-Pants on”.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Too stupid for their own good
That pretty much sums up code pinko and their never-ending quest to arrest Carl Rove
I have to wonder, if they were to ever get their wish, to what authority would they hand him over? I’m guessing they haven’t thought it through that far.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Everything I needed to know about Cindy Sheehan
I learned on the day I met her
I actually got to speak with her briefly during the lunch break, I even offered to buy lunch. That didn’t work out too well when she learned I supported our troops. I started by mentioning that I was there to support Keli’s appearance in the debate.
We were walking with another woman who was a local activist who claimed to work as a mediator between anti-war and pro-troop activist, that is when I asked her if she had noticed me at some of the war protests. That set off a firestorm with miss Sheehan who started with asking me if I supported the war, I said I supported our Troops and their mission. She went on a rant about how Bush had “murdered her son” I pointed out her son was not killed by President Bush but by a terrorist, this led to the “what would you do if we were invaded” (like I hadn’t heard that a thousand times) I asked “would you fight someone who had come to remove Bush from office”. Although at this point she was trying hard to pretend I didn’t exist. We were now about half a block from the restaurant where she said, “I don’t want to eat with him” then turned around. Now to be fair it may be possible that has a celebrity (no matter how dubious her claim to fame may be) she had some level of fear for her safety. but that was not reflected in her tone.
What I learned: Cindy is not willing to talk to people who do not agree with her.
After lunch it was time to return to the room for Cindy’s panel discussion. where I learned more about her.
And this is what I learned,
She will sacrifice her principles to get on TV
She had an awful education.
When her focus is enlarged, she sees boils
She doesn't believe she is already way out in left field
One of the most important things I learned at this event was,for me, a new insight into the thinking of the far left, I used to think they hate America, but now I know it’s the Constitution they hate.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Smart Power… Fail!
So we were told that if we elected Obama to lead us he would be able to heal all of the fractures in our international relationships created by Former President Bush. So how is that working out…
Putin, Russia's prime minister, also snubbed Biden, who had planned to go to Moscow and has been left kicking his heels in Brussels. Biden is close to Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia's president. During the 2008 Russian-Georgia war Putin famously threatened Saakashvili, pledging to "hang him by the balls".
The White House is privately furious at the snub. Barack Obama told Russia's president, Dmitry Medvedev, he was unable to attend but had confidently offered Biden as his replacement.
So maybe this had nothing to do with Obama, maybe this was just Putin strutting his stuff, but isn’t it funny the only place we learn of this major snub is in the British press. And I have to wonder why didn’t President Obama want to attend this 65th anniversary of our Victory in Europe? Did Obama throw the first snub?
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
I laughed so hard when I saw this I had to post it
Some people get it
Raquel Welch gets it, and she had a front row seat to the sexual revolution…
Seriously, folks, if an aging sex symbol like me starts waving the red flag of caution over how low moral standards have plummeted, you know it's gotta be pretty bad. In fact, it's precisely because of the sexy image I've had that it's important for me to speak up and say: Come on girls! Time to pull up our socks! We're capable of so much better.
Does CNN get it? Not so much…
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Raquel Welch.
HT SondraK
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Socialism Conference
Keli Carender was invited to present the tea party side at this event. I went to support her efforts. She did a wonderful job
But first I had to endure an hour with Cindy Sheehan
I had a brief talk with her before her event, I even offered to buy lunch, but that ended quickly when I told her my stand on the issues.
So I walked around campus. I wanted to spend a few moments at the Intended Consequences display in the art building but no one was there to open it at 1:30 so I took a few photos from outside :)
At 2:00 Cindy began her panel with Richard Curtis, an “independent” candidate for the Senate Seat held by Patty Murray and one of the Socialist Alternative leaders and an editorial board member for Socialist Alternative’s newspaper, “Justice” that is often passed out at anti-war rallies, Philip Locker.
I did take notes, I will try to translate:
According to S.A. Capitalism causes problems that lead to social struggle.
Capitalist are redundant, we don’t really need them.
True democracies are formed from the struggle of communities up to a national form of government.
Is Cindy Sheehan Racist? She didn’t refer To President Obama as “President” I’ve been call such for less!
Cindy complained about how critics used her “motherhood” as a way to attack her position on the war, but wasn’t it her “motherhood” that she claimed as the foundation for her position?
Cindy referred to marriage has slavery i.e. she said she was a slave in her marriage, is that racist? To equate marriage to the crime of slavery. And is it degrading to the millions of families who are happy in their loving marriages? Also that line of reasoning is a key tenet within the Communist Manifesto.
Cindy plugged her book “Myth (no lisp) America” and her movie? “Revolution: A love story” claimed the title as her ideal. There was a mention of another movie “The Revolution will not be televised”
Panelist Richard Curtis pulled a Godwin when he mentioned that the Republican party was “turning fascist over the last 25 years”
The Tea Party will lead to a backlash towards the right…. No Mr. Curtis it is the backlash from the right.
and in the same vein of thought… More right thinking = Leftist activism.
One of the questioners noticed the “whiteness of the group” (must of been the tea partiers) said White people need to “Avoid looking like racist to be taken seriously”
a rumor that Patty Murray may drop out of the race?
Keli’s event started at around 4:30, we had so many show up they moved to a (slightly) larger venue. It was still standing room only.
Notes from the Debate… they’re a little less cohesive because I was recording, standing, and actually enjoying the event.
Ramy Khali Was the representative from S.A. who also led the WTO Riots protest in 1999. His stand was simple, all capitalism is bad in all forms and must be replaced by seizing all industry to be run by the people in a “democratic way” with all revenue being retuned to the people state
Ramy repeats the lie that 44 thousand people die every year from lack of insurance, the number of uninsured is now 47 million. That the WHO (an unbiased, yea I laughed too, organization of the UN) rates the US at 37th of all nations in health care.
Ramy insist that we end fossil fuels so I asked in the Q and A part about the use of land for such massive solar and wind farms needed to fill that need, he said that the deserts and farm lands could be used but neglected to address the inconvenient part about the loss of habitat in the fragile deserts ecosystem or the risk already documented to birds and other flying and migratory animals.
A constant theme was the need to seize the industries of Capitalism to allow for the wealth to be used for the people in the form of jobs and “livable wages” insisting that corporations who refused to hire or who laid off when the work was not available did so only out of greed and a disregard for the rights of the workers. That it was only by taking these jobs out of the hands of the wealthy could a fair system then guarantee workers rights. This could only be done with a complete disregard for the Constitution of the United States of America, something Ramy made no mention of.
I spent most of the 10 gigs of memory I had for my camera (two 4 gig cards and a 2 gig) on video so the photos are a little on the light side for this event, not much to take pictures of anyway just a bunch of people sitting around and listening to other people. I did however take a few other photos that I’ll post on flickr too.
Ok That’s it for now I have video to edit and I’ll post them here when they are done. The photos are up on flickr now
Update: It’s 11:50pm and the first video is done, the rest will have to wait until I’ve had some rest. (remember to give it a few minutes to process)
Update: Please forgive the typo in the opening title, I really do know how to spell “Seattle” Did I mention it’s almost midnight?
Ok here come the rest of the movies:
First question…
Many Tea Partiers have denounced Barack Obama and the democrats’ health care reform has socialist, Do you agree that the health care reform is actually Socialist and how do you think our healthcare system should be changed.
Questions two…
The financial crisis that began in 2007 since then millions of workers have been thrown out of work with the highest unemployment in decades and millions more live in fear of being thrown out of work and being unemployed. So how would Tea Party activist and how would socialist propose to deal with the unemployment crisis what concrete solutions do you advocate
Questions Three and Four
The new Arizona law is against undocumented workers, So I want to ask what the panelist think about this bill and how do you think immigration system should be reformed are you against Arizona law, do you support it. And what is your overall solution.
About the bailouts and capitalism. The 14 trillion dollar in taxpayer bailouts or various guaranties for the banks and financial system and that provoked an enormous political uproar in US society, one of the greatest actually in many decades, of popular anger and outrage at that bailout. So the question to both Kelli and Romy is does this show the capitalist free market, what happened in 2008 and that this economic crisis and the bailout of wall street, does this that the capitalist free market system failed?
This post is getting too long so I’ll place the Cindy Sheehan videos in a new one, she deserves her own place in hell …umm I mean here anyway.
Update: I had noticed that some people were spelling Keli's name differently then I had on this post, I did a little research and discovered that I was the one doing it wrong so I've made the necessary corrections, That will not be possible on the videos however. Sorry Keli, but in my defense I spelled it the way it appeared on the posters.
Another update: Here is a report from the other side, they lie!
The Tea Party movement, supported by Fox News and other corporate backers, has gotten an echo for their ideas amongst a significant minority of Americans particularly because of their opposition to the bailout of Wall Street. For this reason, Socialist Alternative members felt the Tea Party cannot simply be ignored or dismissed, and they proposed the debate to challenge their arguments in a public forum.
Last Update: The Cindy Sheehan post is done… And all the videos are mercifully short.