Monday, June 29, 2009

A horrific Crime, Why no Outcry?


The Crime

A white man holding a directorship at a very prominent University raped his 5 year old adopted minority child and offered up this child to other pedophiles. He used the screen name “Perv Dad for fun” that caught the eye of the FBI.

Why no outcry?

The University is Duke, Famous for the Rape case that cost the career of  the Durham County DA Mike Nifong. The Man is the associate director of Duke's Center for Health Policy, An Aids researcher, and adoptive gay father of two young boys. The reports says that he took steps to hide his activity from his partner but, as in most similar cases with straight couples, to hide abuse like this a bit of willful ignorance is required.

Here we have a man who is respected, trusted, and held up as an upstanding member of the community (note I did not use the word “gay”) yet the media reports on who gets to be executor of the Jackson estate.

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