Sunday, January 25, 2009

Seattle Anti-Israel Protest Week 5

I didn't expect much this week, the war was over, Hamas had lost and the truth of their brutality was coming out. Only about 200 people showed up. There were no speeches on the stage, no march, and no bull horn. This is likely to be the last protest of this kind but I'll head down next Saturday to make sure we don't miss anything.

They did have a few things that were were different;

Week 5 001 Week 5 003 Week 5 061

They posted these fake wall things  all over.

Week 5 018 Week 5 039 Week 5 118

They set up a tent.

Week 5 002 Week 5 005 Week 5 037

They bought a puppet.

Week 5 081 Week 5 079 Week 5 078

And this is the first time I've seen A.N.W.S.E.R. make their presence known

Some of the regulars returned.

Week 5 091Week 5 031

Women in black.

Week 5 024 Week 5 054Week 5 044

the war resisters/Vets  for peace


Week 5 166

The Buddhist Peace Fellowship.

Week 5 028

And even the Raggin' Grannies made a brief appearance.


But there was, as always, plenty of stuff to see.

Week 5 004 Week 5 015 Week 5 017

Week 5 029 Week 5 035 Week 5 049

Week 5 056 Week 5 059 Week 5 068

Week 5 074 Week 5 077 Week 5 094

Week 5 095 Week 5 103 Week 5 110

There were other things to see.

Week 5 111 Week 5 116 Week 5 117

Week 5 136 Week 5 144 Week 5 227

After the rally broke up this lady set up camp.

Week 5 211

I could add pictures to this all day, but I better not so I'll close out with the video. It's a little confrontational.


Be sure to comment and Visit my Flickr site for more photos

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