Sunday, August 15, 2010

What tax dollars can get you

If you are disabled, elderly or on some other form of aid that is no reason you should not enjoy all of the things in life that other able bodied people enjoy.

One local authority is using its budget to pay for the services of a prostitute in Amsterdam, while others have said visits to lap dancing clubs are permissible under new policies which transfer funds directly to those who receive care from social services.

Holidays abroad, subscriptions for internet dating and driving lessons have all been funded by the taxpayer under a national initiative introduced by the last Government.

If your disabled and your not getting enough, because you are not able to work like most people can do there is no reason you can not enjoy the same access to hookers and lap dances that the rest of us do.

Not that I would engage in any such activity,  well when I was young, maybe a lap dance or two.

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